Our ongoing vision with Flutter is to supply a transportable toolkit for building stunning experiences wherever you would possibly want to color pixels on the screen. With every release, we still push towards ensuring that Flutter is fast, beautiful, productive and open for each platform we support. In Flutter 1.20, which is released today to our stable channel.
To enable you to create Flutter apps that are ever more beautiful, this release has several UI enhancements, including the long-awaited support for autofill, a replacement thanks to layer your widgets to support pan and zoom, new mouse cursor support, updates to old favorite Material widgets (such because the time and date pickers), and an entire new responsive license page for the About box up your desktop and mobile form-factor Flutter apps.
To make sure that you simply still be more productive, we’ve got updates to the Flutter extension for Visual Studio Code that brings Dart DevTools directly into your IDE, automatically updating your import statements as you progress your files around and a replacement set of metadata for building your own tools.